Friday, April 28, 2006

The Inner Voice

I can never forget that conversation. That has given me another purpose for my life. I was returning to my home after a movie show. I was sharing an auto rickshaw with two people from a nearby village. I heard the first guy telling the other that his son is admitted to a hospital for some treatment I don’t remember. Suddenly, the first guy took some two or three Rs.100 notes out of a small dirty packet. Looked like this was all he had. He told the other guy that he was looking for some Rs.5000 for lab check-up using big instruments. He was feeling helpless.
My reaction was obvious. I forgot what happened in the movie. Even I was feeling helpless at that moment. I was thinking of thousands of similar cases in India.
The majority in India lives in villages. They don’t have sufficient money even to eat twice a day! How on earth can they afford such costly medical check-ups? If our country has got the technology (imported may be), we should have some measures to make it accessible to poor. We should make sure that a farmer doesn’t have to sell his land (if he’s got one!) just because his son has got ill. It’s not their fault if they are poor.
As N.D.Walsch says in Conversations With God, “ Let each soul walk its own path”. I know I can’t and shouldn’t change the way they want to live. But we, who are now in a position to make some positive changes in the world, should try to make their life a little better in one way or the other. I think I have been fortunate enough as I got all the resources. But not everyone gets even the bare minimum. So, whose responsibility is this to take care of lesser granted people??? Should we be ignorant and keep telling to ourselves that someone else will do something for them OR should we take some responsibility and at least make sure that they are alive!
I want a free of cost medical treatment for poor. And this tops the list of my very few long term goals. I don’t know when my dream will come true, but I am sure it will some day!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Jor se bolo JAI MATA DI

My recent trip to Vaishnodevi was more of a thought provoking trip; of course there was some religious intent as well. While climbing THE hill, I observed lots of disciples from all over the country. I was literally dumbstruck to see such a huge crowd even after considering the fact that it was the vacation time.
It was a good experience on a personal level. I enjoyed the scenery and the feeling to be in the clouds! Worked hard to climb initially-took 3.5 h to go up and scintillating 1.75 h while coming down. I was just wondering how people can trust mules with their lives. It’s so dangerous! After doing all the hard work, when you reach THE place, you are not allowed to be there for more than a second. It’s so frustrating! But then you don’t utter a word as you are supposed to behave humanely.
I heard one thing all along the journey- “Jor se bolo JAI MATA DI”. People were literally going crazy over these three magical words. People, at least half of them don’t follow God functionally, don’t take responsibility for their actions and never miss an opportunity to bully others. Is this the way MATA tells their disciples to lead? People make themselves proud of visiting Vaishnodevi every year. But how many of them actually take the lesson back home? Is visiting the place good enough? No. Its not! Now the question is why do we have to wear masks? We either believe in something or we don’t! And if we do, why don’t we follow that with our full heart? Similarly, if we don’t believe in something, why do we have to do that? Just to show others? Or we all know in our hearts about what is wrong and what is right. It’s all so confusing.Now the biggest irony is that most of the people are in between the state of believing and being ignorant. So, they can’t decide which way to go and finally end up doing something which their own self doesn’t believe in. This leads to low self belief and even lesser satisfaction level.And until there is no satisfaction, there is no scope for a perfect happiness!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Not to B...

"No, not there", says IIMB. So then, all the dreams shattered in 2 secs, the heartbeat slowed down and it was a new experience indeed. My extempore topic in FMS seemed to be the universal truth. I could not speak much on “Once is not enough” in FMS; even today I don’t have many words.
But I know it doesn’t have long term implications. Looking at it from an optimistic angle, it’s good that IIMB rejected me. Or should I say its a blessing in disguise! MBA is even better with work-ex in the relevant field, which happens to be the case with me.
But it feels sad to be rejected. Its worse when you don’t know the reason. But then, we can’t and shouldn’t get everything at the first go as it defeats the whole purpose of life!
This inci(acci)dent has made me realize that there’s more to life than just desperately wishing to get into IIM.Life is good and I believe that everything happens for some good reason. So, not to B is not that bad afterall!